Delivering business impact through mindful collaboration

  • Do you need to decode your changing landscape to reach sustainable business growth?
  • Do you know what data and human intelligence you need to predict what’s next?
  • Do you need to cater for evolving customer needs?
  • Do you need to lead your people in new and different ways?
  • Do your people have what it takes to flourish in a disruptive world?

To address these business challenges and flourish it is important that we stay mindful in our approach.

  • Mindful in terms of purpose and intent
  • Mindful when we configure solutions
  • Mindful in what and how we engage with our teams
  • Mindful to act with compassion

We collaborate with our clients with clear intentions to be mindful in what we do and to deliver on pre-defined business benefits. We do things with you, not to you.

Inavit iQ has been utilising the Business Value Model (BVM) framework for several years as part of our solution

Click the image to view our BNV model

Our Approach

As indicated in the picture our unique approach is based on the following logic:

  • The realisation of business impact (such as profit, top-line revenue growth)
  • is dependent on the creation of customer delight (loyal and satisfied customers)
  • which is a direct result of the delivery of value-added products / services by high-performing people
  • who work in a fit-for-purpose environment
  • and are led by capable, competent and credible leadership
  • all aiming for a common goal and strategy
  • of addressing the dynamics of the competitive landscape in an innovative manner that builds the business brand and reputation.

The Business Value Model (BVM) allows us to focus – throughout solution design – on the key levers with business impact. Thus our aim is to co-create sustainable business solutions.

How We Work

When working with our clients, we follow a phased process, collaborating closely on design while implementing smart and sustainable solutions.

Our solutions

The competitive landscape has dramatically changed forever. Businesses require new thinking and new tactics in order to respond in a manner that leads to sustainable advantage and healthy performance. For us, the question is clear: how do we create healthy societies through sustainable business practices?


Our focus is on creating organisational alignment by linking the different components of strategic thinking, planning and implementation throughout the organisation. We do this by co-creating solutions relating to:

  • Fit-for-purpose structure, roles and ways of work
  • Fit-for-purpose operating models and processes
  • Change navigation
  • Digital adoption and transformation
Leadership,  Culture, Learning & Change

Helping people to be as healthy and productive as possible, and in turn positively affecting their families, communities, companies and societies. We do this by co-creating solutions relating to:

  • Leadership strategy and development
  • People’s experience and culture
  • People development
Customer Experience

For customer-centric solutions, we believe mindset comes before implementing processes and tools. We do this by:

  • Designing the ideal customer-centric journey
  • Creating alignment throughout the organisation by implementing leadership and people initiatives
  • Creating customer-centric operating models and ways of work
  • Creating and implementing a sales approach aligned with the ideal customer experience

Our Core Team

Letitia van der Merwe

+27 82 875 4345

Nicolas Field

+27 7960 88022

Lucas Sitembiso

Practice Lead
+27 824 206313

Graham Wolfson

Practice Lead
+27 79 458 8757

Mashumi Tutu

+27 79 526 8077


23 Villa Toscana
92 Puttick Avenue